Keep this picture where you stay
  • Donate salt and “Gud” (Jaggery) on Satuarday and offer 11 “Rui” (Ekka/Giant calotrope) leaves garland to Hanumanji
  • Workship pitru (ancestors) light an oil lamp (diya) on pitru pictures at day time.
  • Offering four slices of bread dipped in milk to street dog daily in the morning
  • Give white and black blanket made of wool in a religious place or Temple
  • Service elder people and saints
  • Wear gold preferably in your ears
  • Water sun Daily (Tarpana)
  • Wear 9 mukhi Rudraksha
  • Try bach flower essence Vervain & Rock Rose, Dandelion

Light Jala Deepa when possible.

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