Metals in Ayurvedic Medicine: Swarna (Gold) Swarna, the Sara Lauha[6] is an important, noble metal known to Indians since antiquity. References can be traced back to Charaka and Sushruta Samhita where the noble metal has been attributed with a wide range of applications. The ‘Bhasma’ form of Gold is in metallic state. Quantitatively it is […]
Metal in Vedas or Ancient times and Some Benefits: Bharatha was the leader in Metallurgy for more than 5,000 years. Gold jewelery is available from 3,000 BCE. Brass and bronze pieces are dated back to 1,300 BCE. Extraction of zinc from ore by distillation was used in India as early as 400 BCE while European […]
Benefits Of Metal Charged Water Gold: People suffering from respiratory disease like asthma, breathlessless, diseases of the lungs, heart diseases, brain diseases, find it benefits to consume gold charged water. Gold benefits the brain, relaxes the body and mind. Cleopatra used it for its benefits to health and beauty. It is also used in China as […]