Mesha Sankranti is also known as Maha Vishuva Sankranti. According to Vedic astrology on this day the Sun enters Mesha Rashi or Aries Zodiac. This day marks the beginning of the New Year in most Hindu Solar Calendars. Various Solar calendars mark the first day of the year (or Vishu Kani for Malayalam calendar) based […]
Akshaya Tritiya is observed on Shukla Paksha Tritiya i.e. the third day during bright half of Vaishakha lunar month in Lunar calendar. According to scriptures and Purana(s), Satya Yuga ended and Treta Yuga began on the day of Akshaya Tritiya. Hence, Akshaya Tritiya is Yugadi Tithi and the day has great religious significance for most […]